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Warren Ellis WOLFSKIN #3


Warren Ellis WOLFSKIN #3
Retail Price: $3.99 US
Cover: Juan Jose Ryp
Writer: Warren Ellis
Art: Juan Jose Ryp
Readership: MR
Format: Full Color, 32 pages, 3 of 3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Warren Ellis cuts loose to unleash his take on the genre fans demanded he assault with full color art from Juan Jose (Frank Miller's Robocop, Nightmare on Elm Street) Ryp! WOLFSKIN fuses heroic fantasy in the mode of CONAN, the Viking sagas and samurai fiction into a single story of weird history and apocalyptic violence. A village torn in half by travelers from the East is about to join in final battle. The Wolfskin, the rogue soldier from the North caught in the middle, has chosen sides, and sits to eat the strange black mushrooms that are his berserker sacrament. There will be blood. More blood than any of them imagined. As well as the Regular, Wraparound, and Vicious covers by series artist Juan Jose Ryp, this issue is also available as a Painted cover by Carlos Valenzuela.

Release Date: Jan-01-2014