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THRESHOLD #54 Pandora


THRESHOLD #54 Pandora
Cover: Al Rio
By: Jeremy Rock, Rafa Lopez, Paulo Siqueira
Readership: MR
Format: B&W, 48 pages, annual

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Al Rio covers this latest issue of Threshold as the series continues with part five of the Lookers story by Doug Miers and Jeremy Rock. The zombie invasion has gotten out of control and their only hope of stopping it is by having Pandora take out Mizery and the dreaded sword Dispair. Pandora starts a new story by writer Doug Miers and artist Paulo Siqueira. Concluding in this issue is the story featuring Argent and Bryce, the killers that were last seen in Avengelyne: Seraphicide! Robert Lugibihl's story has them plotting to kill all the super-powered people, one at a time with art by stunning new talent Rafa Lopez. Threshold continues to provide the finest in sexy babes in action! This issue is available in four covers, Pandora by Al Rio, Pandora Nude by Ron Adrian, Lookers by Marco Turini, and Lookers Nude by Juan Jose Ryp.

Release Date: Jan-01-2014