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Cover: Renato Camilo
Writing and Art: Ed Silva, Emiliano Urdinola
MR, Color, 48 pages, ongoing monthly

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This massive series features more sexy jungle action than ever before as natural disasters strike and all the women are forced from their homes and on a collision course! With a huge migration of dinosaurs as well, it is a challenge just to be survivors! This series features Tundra, Ivory, Fauna and the Vixens by an all-star gathering of talent! Available with a load of lovely covers including a Regular & Sultry Cover by Renato Camilo, Wraparound by Raulo Caceres, a fully-painted Natural Beauty by Jonatas, Luscious by Matt Martin, and Bikini Babes by Ron Adrian. A special subset of Snaked covers are available by Christian Zanier, each limited to just 350 copies! Including the Snaked, Moonlight, Topless, Nude, Adult and Adult Extreme covers on this special limited run series of images.
For the erotic art collectors, we have a Century Nude (limited to 100 copies) featuring original pencils by Renato Camilo, as well as the Nude and Sultry Nude by Camilo, Wraparound Nude by Caceres, Natural Beauty Nude by Jonatas, Luscious Nude by Martin, and Bikini Babes Nude by Adrian. We top it off with Adult covers - Luscious Adult Cover by Martin, and the first two covers to the Orgy Adult Cover Set by Zanier (this will be a set of six, two offered each month).

Release Date: Aug-25-2017