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JUNGLE FANTASY: IVORY #6 Costume Change Set (of 3)
Cover: Christian Zanier
Writer: Doug Miers
Art: Emiliano Urdinola, Jonatas
MR, Color, 48 pages, monthly
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The end to Ivory’s vital quest is in sight but will it conclude in exultation or utter devastation? Across an unforgiving primal continent she has used her passion and fury to combat monsters and men that stood in her way. Now she must once again channel every ounce of fury and lust within her to discover the fate of her lost child. And the final culmination of her deadly journey will shake her to her very core. Jungle Fantasy: Ivory delivers the steamiest uncensored mature readers action being published! Boundless offers a host of sexy stunning covers with this issue including a Regular Cover by Renato Camilo, Wraparound and Natural Beauty Covers by Raulo Caceres, Luscious Cover by Matt Martin, and a Sultry Cover by Christian Zanier. Plus an array of super limited covers for the collector including a Century Adult (limited to 100 copies) by Jonatas, a Nude & Naughty Set (of 3 books) and a Costume Change Set (of 3 books), each limited to 250 sets, by Christian Zanier. And for the erotic art collectors, there is the Nude Cover by Renato Camilo, Sultry Nude by Zanier, Luscious Nude by Martin, and Wraparound and Natural Beauty Nude Covers by Caceres. For the best in erotic art we also have a Luscious Adult Cover by Matt Martin and a Sultry Adult Cover by artist Christian Zanier!
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