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CROSSED +100: MIMIC #4 NWO Ms Mayhem Origin (set of 3)


Cover: Christian Zanier
Writers: Christos Gage, Pat Shand
Artists: Emiliano Urdinola, Raulo Caceres
MR, color, 56 pages

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: New World Order Editions have exclusive INTERIOR art! Each New World Order (NWO) issue has an eight page added section that will not be seen in regular versions in stores. Nor will this content be available in any digital editions. These all feature unedited, ultra-intense versions of covers from over the past decade. The #4 Ms Mayhem Origin series is three covers showing how she came to be, drawn by Christian Zanier. You will not want to miss Renato Camilo’s epic Fall of Fantasyland set of four covers on #5 and #6. Each limited to just 333 copies!

Release Date: Oct-31-2018